What templates are supported on the Engine?

This article explains the types of Machine Learning Solution Templates that are supported in the AI & Analytics Engine

The AI & Analytics Engine supports the following Machine Learning Soltuion Templates:

Customer Churn Prediction

The customer churn prediction template on the AI & Analytics Engine supports two different types of churn use cases:

Transactional option

Predicting the likelihood of churn for active customers based on their purchasing/financial activity. These customers have no “contractual” relationship with the business. Churn occurs when their activity level drops below a certain threshold over a period of time.

🎓For a guide on using the subscription option, read How to use the templated ML solution for transactional churn?

Subscription option

Predicting the likelihood of churn for customers who have active subscriptions to a service. To build the prediction model, users are required to supply historical churn dates of customers. This particular option is suitable for business scenarios in which customers explicitly indicate their intention to churn. For example, a business may consider a customer churned if they cancel their subscription, and do not renew within 30 days. 

🎓 For a guide on using the subscription option, read How to use the templated ML solution for subscription churn?


Customer Lifetime Value Prediction

The customer lifetime value prediction template on the AI & Analytics Engine predicts the value generated by active customers in a given future time range based on their purchasing/financial activity. These customers have no contractual relationship with the business. To build the prediction model, users are required to supply data of historical transaction customers made.

🎓 For a guide on using the Customer Lifetime Value Prediction template, read How to use the Customer Lifetime Value Prediction Machine Learning Solution Template